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Data Protection

Nowadays, one of the most important things in security in general is data protection. You don't want something like:

All your data are belong to us

Simply put, data from your web application needs to be protected. Therefore in this section, we will take a look at the different ways to secure it.

One of the first things you should tend to is creating and implementing the right privileges for each user, and restrict them to only the functions they really need.

For example, consider a simple online store with the following user roles:

  • Sales user: Allowed to only view a catalog
  • Marketing user: Allowed to check statistics
  • Developer: Allowed to modify pages and web application options

Also, in the system configuration (aka webserver), you should define the right permissions.

The primary thing to perform is to define the right role for each user - web or system.

Role separation and access controls are further discussed in the Access Control section.

Remove sensitive information

Temporary and cache files which contain sensitive information should be removed as soon as they're not needed. If you still need some of them, move them to protected areas or encrypt them.


Sometimes developers leave comments like To-do lists in the source-code, and sometimes, in the worst case scenario, developers may leave credentials.

// Secret API endpoint - /api/mytoken?callback=myToken
fmt.Println("Just a random code")

In the above example, the developer has an endpoint in a comment which, if not well protected, could be used by a malicious user.


Passing sensitive information using the HTTP GET method leaves the web application vulnerable because:

  1. Data could be intercepted if not using HTTPS by MITM attacks.
  2. Browser history stores the user's information. If the URL has session IDs, pins or tokens that don't expire (or have low entropy), they can be stolen.
  3. Search engines store URLs as they are found in pages
  4. HTTP servers (e.g. Apache, Nginx), usually write the requested URL, including the query string, to unencrypted log files (e.g. access_log)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)

If your web application tries to get information from a third-party website using your api_key, it could be stolen if anyone is listening within your network or if you're using a Proxy. This is due to the lack of HTTPS.

Also note that parameters being passed through GET (aka query string) will be stored in clear, in the browser history and the server's access log regardless whether you're using HTTP or HTTPS.

HTTPS is the way to go to prevent external parties other than the client and the server, to capture exchanged data. Whenever possible sensitive data such as the api_key in the example, should go in the request body or some header. The same way, whenever possible use one-time only session IDs or tokens.

Information is power

You should always remove application and system documentation on the production environment. Some documents could disclose versions, or even functions that could be used to attack your web application (e.g. Readme, Changelog, etc.).

As a developer, you should allow the user to remove sensitive information that is no longer used. For example, if the user has expired credit cards on his account and wants to remove them, your web application should allow it.

All of the information that is no longer needed must be deleted from the application.

Encryption is the key

Every piece of highly-sensitive information should be encrypted in your web application. Use the military-grade encryption available in Go. For more information, see the Cryptographic Practices section.

If you need to implement your code elsewhere, just build and share the binary, since there's no bulletproof solution to prevent reverse engineering.

Getting different permissions for accessing the code and limiting the access for your source-code, is the best approach.

Do not store passwords, connection strings (see example for how to secure database connection strings on Database Security section), or other sensitive information in clear text or in any non-cryptographically secure manner, both on the client and server sides. This includes embedding in insecure formats (e.g. Adobe flash or compiled code).

Here's a small example of encryption in Go using an external package

// Load your secret key from a safe place and reuse it across multiple
// Seal calls. (Obviously don't use this example key for anything
// real.) If you want to convert a passphrase to a key, use a suitable
// package like bcrypt or scrypt.
secretKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("6368616e676520746869732070617373776f726420746f206120736563726574")
if err != nil {

var secretKey [32]byte
copy(secretKey[:], secretKeyBytes)

// You must use a different nonce for each message you encrypt with the
// same key. Since the nonce here is 192 bits long, a random value
// provides a sufficiently small probability of repeats.
var nonce [24]byte
if _, err := rand.Read(nonce[:]); err != nil {

// This encrypts "hello world" and appends the result to the nonce.
encrypted := secretbox.Seal(nonce[:], []byte("hello world"), &nonce, &secretKey)

// When you decrypt, you must use the same nonce and key you used to
// encrypt the message. One way to achieve this is to store the nonce
// alongside the encrypted message. Above, we stored the nonce in the first
// 24 bytes of the encrypted text.
var decryptNonce [24]byte
copy(decryptNonce[:], encrypted[:24])
decrypted, ok := secretbox.Open([]byte{}, encrypted[24:], &decryptNonce, &secretKey)
if !ok {
panic("decryption error")


The output will be:

hello world

Disable what you don't need

Another simple and efficient way to mitigate attack vectors is to guarantee that any unnecessary applications or services are disabled in your systems.


According to Mozilla documentation, you can disable autocompletion in the entire form by using:

<form method="post" action="/form" autocomplete="off">

Or a specific form element:

<input type="text" id="cc" name="cc" autocomplete="off">

This is especially useful for disabling autocomplete on login forms. Imagine a case where a XSS vector is present in the login page. If the malicious user creates a payload like:

window.setTimeout(function() {
document.forms[0].action = '';
), 10000);

It will send the autocomplete form fields to the


Cache control in pages that contain sensitive information should be disabled.

This can be achieved by setting the corresponding header flags, as shown in the following snippet:

w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store")
w.Header().Set("Pragma", "no-cache")

The no-cache value tells the browser to revalidate with the server before using any cached response. It does not tell the browser to not cache.

On the other hand, the no-store value is really about disabling caching overall, and must not store any part of the request or response.

The Pragma header is there to support HTTP/1.0 requests.