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Logging should always be handled by the application and should not rely on a server configuration.

All logging should be implemented by a master routine on a trusted system, and the developers should also ensure no sensitive data is included in the logs (e.g. passwords, session information, system details, etc.), nor is there any debugging or stack trace information. Additionally, logging should cover both successful and unsuccessful security events, with an emphasis on important log event data.

Important event data most commonly refers to all:

  • Input validation failures.
  • Authentication attempts, especially failures.
  • Access control failures.
  • Apparent tampering events, including unexpected changes to state data.
  • Attempts to connect with invalid or expired session tokens.
  • System exceptions.
  • Administrative functions, including changes to security configuration settings.
  • Backend TLS connection failures and cryptographic module failures.

Here's a simple log example which illustrates this:

func main() {
var buf bytes.Buffer
var RoleLevel int

logger := log.New(&buf, "logger: ", log.Lshortfile)

fmt.Println("Please enter your user level.")
fmt.Scanf("%d", &RoleLevel) //<--- example

switch RoleLevel {
case 1:
// Log successful login
logger.Printf("Login successful.")
case 2:
// Log unsuccessful Login
logger.Printf("Login unsuccessful - Insufficient access level.")
// Unspecified error
logger.Print("Login error.")

It's also good practice to implement generic error messages, or custom error pages, as a way to make sure that no information is leaked when an error occurs.

Go's log package, as per the documentation, "implements simple logging". Some common and important features are missing, such as leveled logging (e.g. debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) and formatters support (e.g. logstash). These are two important features to make logs usable (e.g. for integration with a Security Information and Event Management system).

Most, if not all third-party logging packages offer these and other features. The ones below are some of the most popular third-party logging packages:

Here's an important note regarding Go's log package: Fatal and Panic functions have different behaviors after logging: Panic functions call panic but Fatal functions call os.Exit(1) that may terminate the program preventing deferred statements to run, buffers to be flushed, and/or temporary data to be removed.

From the perspective of log access, only authorized individuals should have access to the logs. Developers should also make sure that a mechanism that allows for log analysis is set in place, as well as guarantee that no untrusted data will be executed as code in the intended log viewing software or interface.

Regarding allocated memory cleanup, Go has a built-in Garbage Collector for this very purpose.

As a final step to guarantee log validity and integrity, a cryptographic hash function should be used as an additional step to ensure no log tampering has taken place.

// Get our known Log checksum from checksum file.
logChecksum, err := ioutil.ReadFile("log/checksum")
str := string(logChecksum) // convert content to a 'string'

// Compute our current log's SHA256 hash
b, err := ComputeSHA256("log/log")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Err: %v", err)
} else {
hash := hex.EncodeToString(b)
// Compare our calculated hash with our stored hash
if str == hash {
// Ok the checksums match.
fmt.Println("Log integrity OK.")
} else {
// The file integrity has been compromised...
fmt.Println("File Tampering detected.")


package main

import (

func main() {
logChecksum, err := ioutil.ReadFile("log/checksum")
if err != nil {

str := string(logChecksum) // convert content to a 'string'

if b, err := ComputeSHA256("log/log"); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Err: %v", err)
} else {
hash := hex.EncodeToString(b)
if str == hash {
fmt.Println("Log integrity OK.")
} else {
fmt.Println("File Tampering detected.")

func ComputeSHA256(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
var result []byte
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return result, err
defer file.Close()

hash := sha256.New()
if _, err := io.Copy(hash, file); err != nil {
return result, err

return hash.Sum(result), nil

Note: The ComputeSHA256() function calculates a file's SHA256. It's also important to note that the log-file hashes must be stored in a safe place, and compared with the current log hash to verify integrity before any updates to the log. Working demo available in the repository.