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Setup a Remote Access VPN with WireGuard

··355 words·2 mins·

Server #

Create WireGuard server.

Setup #

Set temporary permission for new files:

umask 077

Create the keys:

wg genkey | tee /etc/wireguard/privkey
wg pubkey < /etc/wireguard/privkey | tee /etc/wireguard/pubkey

Create the config file:

nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
SaveConfig = True
PrivateKey = ...


wg-quick up wg0


systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0

Add peer #

Stop WireGuard before editing wg0.conf!

Append to wg0.conf:

nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
AllowedIPs =
PublicKey = ...
PresharedKey = ...

Client #

Configure WireGuard client.

Set temporary permission for new files:

umask 077

Create the keys:

wg genkey | tee /etc/wireguard/privkey
wg pubkey < /etc/wireguard/privkey | tee /etc/wireguard/pubkey
wg genpsk | tee /etc/wireguard/psk

Create the config file:

nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
Address =
PrivateKey = ...

Endpoint = X.X.X.X:51820
AllowedIPs =
PublicKey = ...
PreSharedKey = ...
PersistentKeepalive = 20

Gateway #

Use WireGuard server as gateway.

nftable #

define WAN_IF   = eth0
define WG_NET   =
define WG_IF    = wg0

table nat {

        chain prerouting {
                type nat hook prerouting priority -100; policy accept;
                #tcp dport 8080 iif $WAN_IF dnat to

        chain postrouting {
                type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept;
                ip saddr $WG_NET oif $WAN_IF masquerade

table inet filter {

        chain input_wan {
                tcp dport 22 accept
                udp dport 51820 accept
                icmp type echo-request limit rate 5/second accept
                icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-advert } accept
                icmpv6 type echo-request limit rate 5/second accept

        chain input_wg {

        chain input {
                type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
                ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop }
                iifname vmap { lo : accept, $WAN_IF : jump input_wan, $WG_IF : jump input_wg }

        chain forward {
                type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
                ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop }
                iif $WG_IF oif $WAN_IF accept
                iif $WAN_IF oif $WG_IF accept
				iif $WG_IF oif $WG_IF accept


        chain output {
                type filter hook output priority 0;

Forwarding #

Enable IP forwarding:

echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p