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Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

··994 words·5 mins·

UNIX-based operating systems uses one big file system tree, started with the root (/) directory. This filesystem can contain many distinct filesystems, mounted at various points, which appear as subdirectories.

  • maintained by Linux Foundation
  • specifies the main directories that need to be present and describe their purposes
  • simplifies predictions of file locations
  • additional directories not violates the standard
  • components in directories other than the standard describe is violate FHS
  • documentation

Data distinctions #

Shareable vs non-shareable #

  • shareable: can be shared between different hosts, eg.: user home directory
  • non-shareable: specific to a particular host, eg.: device lock files

variable vs static #

  • variable: may change without sysadmins help, eg.: process files
  • static: does not change without admin, eg.: binaries, libraries
├── bin
├── boot
├── dev
├── etc
├── home
├── lib
├── lib64
├── media
├── mnt
├── opt
├── proc
├── sys
├── root
├── sbin
├── srv
├── tmp
├── usr
├── var
└── run

/ #

  • primary directory of the filesystem
  • must contain all essential files required to boot and mount other filesystems
  • according to FHS, no application should create a new subdirectory of the root
  • only root user can write to this directory

bin #

  • /binary
  • contains all essential command binaries that needed for all user
  • must contain all tools that needed in singel user mode or in recovery mode
  • non-essential commands are placed in /usr/bin instead of /bin, like commands required only by non-root users
  • recent distros do not separate /bin/ and /usr/bin, instead uses a symbolic link to /usr/bin

boot #

  • contains static files needed to boot the system
  • often a separate partition
  • contains: kernel, initramfs images, boot configuration files and bootloader
  • vmlinuz: compressed Linux kernel
  • initramfs/initrd: initial RAM filesystem / initial RAM disk, mounted before the real root filesystem become available
  • config: kernel compilation parameters
  • kernel symbol table, used for debugging
  • on EFI systems this is the EFI System Partition

dev #

  • /devices
  • contains special device files (device nodes)
  • pseudo-filesystem
  • old systems uses devfs, moderns uses udev as its filesystem
  • files represents devices in your system
  • contains character devices (byte-stream, eg.: /dev/hwrng) and block devices (eg.: /dev/sda)
  • used to interact with hardwares and softwares
  • on modern distros, udev is responsible for dynamically modifying files in /dev if devices are found (at boot time or on the fly) or removed
  • network interfaces are too complex to be placed in /dev
  • /dev is empty when the computer powered off

etc #

  • /etcetera
  • host specific system-wide configuration files
  • applications may pre-populate this directory with its vendor-supplied configuartion files
  • /etc/resolv.conf: the system’s DNS server
  • /etc/passwd: user database
  • /etc/shadow: users encrypted passwords
  • /etc/group: list of groups and its users
  • /etc/skel: template for new users
  • /etc/init.d: contains daemon scripts for SysV

home #

  • users home directories
  • regular users probably use this for its home directory, eg.: /home/g0rbe for user g0rbe
  • here is stored the user specific configurations, files and scripts
  • shorthands to get logged in user’s home directory: ~ and $HOME

lib #

  • /library
  • contains essential shared libraries and kernel modules
  • these libraries is needed to execute binaries in /bin and /sbin
  • kernel modules and drivers stored in /lib/modules/
  • PAM modules stored in /lib/security/
  • recent distros uses symlink to /usr/lib

lib64 #

  • essential libraries for 64bit system executables
  • used when both 32 and 64 bit executables supported by the system

media #

  • mount point for removable media
  • when automatic mount is enabled, udev creates a folder and mount the filesystem there

mnt #

  • /mount
  • mount point for temporary filesystems

opt #

  • /optional
  • optional application packages that not part of the system distribution, but from an independent source
  • used by packages to keep all of their files in one isolated folder instead of placing files to their proper place, eg.: configs in /etc, binaries in /bin, etc…

proc #

  • /process
  • virtual pseudo-filesystem called procfs
  • used to give information about the system and the processes
  • files anf folders in /proc are resides only in the memory
  • every process have a subdirectory named as the process’s PID and contains information about the process, eg.: PID, name, parent process, resources used, etc…
  • most of the file’s size is 0 while containing data
  • like /dev, the /proc is empty on a non-running system
  • /proc/sys is used to get and alter system configurations

sys #

  • /system
  • virtual pseudo-filesystem called sysfs
  • used to give information about the system (devices, drivers, kernel modules, system configuration structures, etc…) and to alter system settings
  • files and folders in /sys are resides only in the memory
  • like /dev and /proc, the /sys is also empty when computer turned off
  • strict standards about what can contain
  • most files are contains only one line or value

root #

  • home directory of the root user
  • root specific configurations, files and executables
  • located outside of /home in order to make sure the root user may log in even without /home being available

sbin #

  • /system binary
  • essential system binaries for booting, restoring, recovering and/or repairing the system and mounting other filesystems
  • recent distros uses symlink to /usr/sbin

srv #

  • /service
  • data for services provided by this system
  • rarely used

tmp #

  • /temporary
  • used to store temporary files (eg.: lock files)
  • probably a ramdisk in memory called tmpfs
  • probably flushed across a reboot
  • can be accessed by anyone, the permissions are 0777
  • should not used to store large files

usr #

  • /user or today’s: /User System Resources
  • multi-user (user-land) applications, utilities and datas stored here are not needed to boot the system
  • contains a secondary hierarchy (/usr/bin, /usr/lib, etc…)
  • typically a read-only directory
  • /usr/share/man: man pages stored here
  • /usr/lib: C and C++ API header file of system libraries

var #

  • /variable
  • variable datas that changes during system operations
  • must be writeable
  • stored here:
    • log files (/var/log)
    • spool file for further processing (/var/spool)
    • administrative data files
    • transient and temporary files, like cache (/var/cache)
    • user’s mailbox (/var/mail)
    • root for websites (/var/www)

run #

  • /runtime
  • used to store runtime data
  • required by udev
  • a pseudo-filesystem stored in memory, called tmpfs