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CEH v10: 02 Footprinting

··428 words·3 mins·

Collect information about a target network.

Terminology #

Footprinting: collect information about a target network.

Passive Footprinting: collect without direct interaction.

Active Footprinting: collect with direct interaction.

Social Network Footprinting: get information about the target.

Website Footprinting: Information about the target through web pages.

Methods #

  • Examining the web page’s source code
  • Examining cookies
  • Extracting metadata of web sites
  • Monitoring website for updates
  • Tracking email
  • Email header analysis
  • Competitive Intelligence Gathering
  • Monitoring website traffic
  • Tracking online reputation
  • IP geolocation
  • DNS footprinting

Information collected #

  • Organization Information (phone numbers, employee details, etc…)
  • Relations with other companies
  • Network Information (Domains, IPs, etc…)
  • System Information (OSes, passwords)

Objectives of Footprinting: #

  • Know Security Posture: know the security posture of the target organization
  • Reduce Focus Area: reduce the attackers focus area to a specific range of IP, network, domain names, etc…
  • Identify Vulnerabilities: identify vulnerabilities in the target system
  • Draw Network Map: draw a map or outline the target organization’s network infrastructure

Advanced Google Hacking Techniques #


  • cache: - Display the web page stored in the google cache
  • link: - List of web pages that have links to the specified web page
  • related: - List of web pages that are similar to a specified web page
  • info: - Presents some information that google has about the particular page
  • site: - Restrict the results to those websites in the given domain
  • allintitle: - Restricts the result to those websites with all of the search keywords in the title
  • intitle: - Restrict the results to documents containing the search keyword in the title
  • allinurl: - Restrict the results to those with all of the search keywords in the URL
  • inurl: - Restrict the results to documents containing the search keyword in the URL
  • location: - Find information for a specific location
  • intext: - Restrict the results to documents containing the search keyword in the content

Find more at ahrefs blog.


Whois databases are maintained by Regional Internet Registries and contain personal information of domain owner (eg.: email address).

whois uses TCP port 43.

Example on Linux:


DNS footprinting #

DNS record types:

  • A: Points to a host’s IP address
  • MX: Points to a domain’s mail server
  • NS: Points to a host’s name server
  • CNAME: Canonical naming allows aliases to a host
  • SOA: Indicate authority for domain
  • SRV: Service records
  • PTR: Maps IP address to a hostname
  • RP: Responsible person
  • HINFO: Host information record includes CPU type and OS
  • TXT: Unstructured text records

Example on Linux:


Traceroute #

Trace the path between you and your target computer.

Example on Linux:
